Keeping our village clean
Looking after our spaces
It’s the responsibility of every resident to help maintain a beautiful village. To support us all to benefit from a more beautiful environment, the Parish Council and Wiltshire Council each provide services that help achieve our goals: from grass cutting to pathway maintenance and a Parish Steward for a helping hand.
What is a Parish Steward?
A Parish Steward is a special highway trained operative(s) provided by Wiltshire Council who can deliver small scale, discretionary local highway priority works to town and parishes.
Does Collingbourne Ducis have a Parish Steward?
Collingbourne Ducis receives one visit per month from a Parish Steward, with a truck, equipped with a range of hand tools and materials to address a wide variety of minor highway defects and needs. The Parish Council has consistently identified certain areas that require targeted works. If there are none identified, the Parish Steward caries out general maintenance to the village.
We are exceedingly grateful for the work our steward has carried out.
What can a Parish Steward do?
Parish Stewards can provide a number of works, including:
hand clearing and cutting of growth from drainage grips and drain gully covers
hand clearing of blocked drainage gullies, culverts, pipes and pits
clearing storm debris from the roads and footways
clearing collision debris, but not litter
cleaning, re-installation and straightening of small road signs and street nameplates
installation of small road signs, verge marker posts and supplied street name plates
removal of limited graffiti from road signs, bollards and street nameplates
hand cutting of grass and vegetation in visibility areas
hand treatment of weeds in rural areas
clearance of encroaching growth and soils from footways
repair of minor potholes and surface defects in roads and on footways
Can I suggest areas for improvement if I notice something to be cleaned?
Absolutely yes! We’ve created this simple form for residents to complete to help us identify any area for improvement or cleaning.
If you see something that you think could be a suitable job for the Parish Steward, based on the list outlined above, please complete the form which is sent to our Councillors to inform the Steward.
Please remember the parish steward can only deal with highways related issues. This does not include speed related concerns of the road, or cleaning and improvements to play areas or byways. Bigger issues would still need to be reported to Wiltshire Council using the MyWilts app.
Can I get involved?
Absolutely yes! The Parish Council hosts two litter picks every year. Check our events calendar and join us for the Spring and Autumn Litter Picks!