Freedom of Information
Information available from Collingbourne Ducis Parish Council under the Freedom of Information Act model publication scheme
The Freedom of Information Act (FOI), passed on 30 November 2000, created a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by English, Welsh and Northern Irish public authorities. It also sets out exemptions from that right and places a number of obligations on public authorities.
The FOI Act is intended to promote a culture of openness and accountability amongst public authorities and to facilitate better public understanding of how public authorities carry out their duties, why they make the decisions they do and how they spend public money.
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, all public authorities are required to adopt and maintain a publication scheme. The publication scheme helps to promote greater openness and accountability across the public sector.
In line with section 20 of the FOI Act, the Information Commissioner approved a new model publication scheme which all public authorities have been required to adopt and was effective from 1 January 2009.
Information Classes
Details of our organisational structure, key roles and responsibilities can be found on our website on the Our Parish Council page.
A list of council members and their responsibilities, as well a list of Council Committees can be found on our website on the Councillors page, along with details of representation on local bodies.
Our parish council postal address is:
Mr P Gill MBE JP
10 Foxtail Gardens,
SP11 9TB
Contact details for the Parish Clerk and Council members can be found on our website on the Councillors page and the Get in touch page.
The only staff member is the Parish Clerk.
Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit for the current and previous financial years to 2014 can be found on our website on the Council finances page.
The following documents are available through various forms:
annual return form and report by auditor
on our website on the Council finances page
published annually on the community notice board
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
finalised budget
published in Meeting Minutes on the website
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
published in Meeting Minutes on the website
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
borrowing approval letter
Financial Standing Orders and Regulations (includes Grant making policy)
on our website on the Governance page
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
grants given and received
published in Meeting Minutes on the website
shown on electronic accounting system printouts
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
list of current contracts awarded and value of contract
Litter Picking Contract published in Meeting Minutes on the website
Grass Cutting Contract published in Meeting Minutes on the website
Members’ allowances and expenses
published in Meeting Minutes on the website
appear as items agenda for report/authorisation
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
The following are available through various forms:
Parish plan
previous year plans can be found in meeting minutes and the annual report
Annual Report to Parish Meeting
the Chairman presents a report to the Annual Parish meeting as does the Responsible Financial Officer
published in Meeting Minutes on the website
published annually on the community notice board
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
Quality status
Local charters drawn up in accordance with DCLG guidelines
The full council routinely meets in the Village Hall every month except August. The Committees meet as and when required.
upcoming dates are published on the website homepage and
planned dates are available in hard copy from Clerk for free
Agendas are issued a minimum of three clear days before a meeting:
posted on the community notice board
published on the website on the Meeting Agenda page
stored electronically
available in hard copy from Clerk for free
Draft minutes from every meeting are:
posted on the community notice board within seven working days of the meeting for a minimum of five working days with confirmed minutes filed in both hard copy and electronically
published on the website on the Meeting Minutes page
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
All reports presented to council meetings are:
included in the meeting minutes
posted on the community notice board with draft minutes
stored in hard copy and electronically
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
Responses to consultation papers are:
recorded in meeting minutes
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
Responses to planning applications are
recorded in meeting minutes
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
The Recreation ground Bye-laws and conditions of use are
published on the website on the Recreation Ground page
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
All of the following policies and procedures for the conduct of council business are displayed on our website on the Governance page and available in hard copy from the Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page:
standing orders
committee and subcommittee terms of reference (as part of Standing Orders)
delegated authority in respect of officers
Code of Conduct
Policies and procedures for handling requests for information
Complaints procedures
Grants award policy
Financial regulations
Accessibility statement
All of the following policies and procedures for the conduct of council business as indicated are in development:
Equality and diversity policy
Health and safety policy
GDPR and information security
When completed, they will be displayed on our website on the Governance page and available in hard copy from the Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page.
The following documents are available through various forms:
electoral roll
only available for inspection via Clerk
assets register
available in hard copy from the Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
disclosure log (indicating the information that has been provided in response to requests)
available in hard copy from Wiltshire Council
register of members’ interests
published on the website on the Our councillors page
published on the Wiltshire Council website
register of gifts and hospitality
available in hard copy from the Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
Information about the services we offer is available for the following:
Burial grounds fees
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
Community centres and village halls
Parks, playing fields and recreational facilities fess and byelaws
available on application to Clerk, no fee
Seating, litter bins, clocks, memorials and lighting
available on application to Clerk, no fee
Bus shelters
available on application to Clerk, no fee
Public conveniences
Agency agreements
A summary of services for which the council is entitled to recover a fee, including burial grounds and associated burial ground charges, and recreation ground hire fees
available in hard copy from Clerk at a cost of 0.20p per page
Schedule of charges
This describes how the charges have been arrived at:
Disbursement cost
Photocopying - 0.20p per page per sheet (black & white)
Parish Clerk’s time
Pro rata plus mileage costs - Current NJC rates plus 5%
Postage - Current cost of Royal Mail standard 2nd class stamp
Statutory Fee
Not Applicable - In accordance with the relevant legislation (quote the actual statute)