Clubs and societies
Get involved in something you love
Our village is full of interesting people with a wide range of interests. Joining a club is a great way to meet new people, maybe even pick up a new skill, and have a great time.
Boules Club
Boules Club finally reunites after a long hiatus, meeting every Tuesday from 6pm at the Barleycorn Pub in Collingbourne Kingston. New members welcome and coaching is available!
Collingbourne Cricket Club
Collingbourne CC is a friendly, competitive club which continues to offer quality cricket for all. With adult mens and womens teams, as well as a thriving junior section, they welcome all persons interested in cricket and new members are always welcome, regardless of age or ability.
Community Speed watch
Our village speed watch is run by the parish council. We’d love your support to help make our streets safe for everyone.
The Courier
The Courier is a monthly, volunteer-run magazine serving the Collingbourne’s and Everleigh communities. Anyone can submit articles, purchase ad space, or volunteer to help with production.
The Film Place
Run in partnership with the Moviola Charity, The Film Place hosts regular movie nights at the Collingbourne Ducis Village Hall.
Gardening Club
The Collingbournes and Everleigh Gardening Club first met over twenty years ago and is open to anyone in the surrounding villages. They meet on the fourth Thursday of each month from September to April.
Our village is within the cachtment area of Girlguiding Wiltshire North for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. Girlguiding is a charity supporting girls’ confidence and raise their aspirations.
Guild of Ringers
On the 1st, rd and 5th Thursday of every month, join our local group of bell ringers at St. Andrews Church in C.Ducis and St. Mary’s Church in C.Kingston to learn how to ring and care for this magnificent part of our local history.
Model Railway Club
The Club welcomes new members and any donations and gifts of unwanted model railway items.
Wiltshire Scouts is a charity helping children and young adults reach their full potential. Join Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers or the Network.
Tai Chi Club
The Tai Chi Club, now in its seventh year, meets on Thursday evenings at 7pm at Collingbourne Ducis Village Hall. A new beginners class is starting 22 Sept!
Table Tennis
Table tennis is back in CD and CK village halls! Monday 7pm-9pm in CD, Tuesday and Friday 10am-12pm in CK
Video & Camera Club
This club is for anyone thinking about taking up photography or looking to improve your photos and skills. The group meets in Burbage on the third Thursday of each month. Everyone is welcome, no matter your background or ability.
CD Village Hall Trust
Our village hall is a volunteer-run organisation. The hall has a regular calendar of activities, and is available for hire. To find out more about what’s on or how to get involved, visit their website.
Women's Institute
The Women’s Institute is the largest women’s organisation in the UK. A local group meets on the second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in Collingbourne Kingston Village Hall.
Want to include your club?
We’re always happy to add more clubs to the list, and update the ones we already have. If you have a club open to new members, please get in touch!