Minutes of the parish council meeting - 8 September

Prior to the meeting Cllrs and others attending the meeting held a minutes silence to reflect on the passing of Queen Elizabeth 11.

Present: Cllr J Wood (Vice Chairman) Cllr D Dennis, Cllr S Lyons, Cllr K Bell, P Knowlson, Cllr T Earle and Cllr K Earle.

In Attendance: Mr P Gill (Clerk) Cllr C Williams and 2 members of the public. 

  1. Apologies. Cllr S Batley

    Absent. Cllr L Gomes

  2. 40.22. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman. Cllr J Wood was nominated and elected as Chairman. Cllr S Lyons was nominated and elected as Vice Chairman.

  3. 41.22 Declarations of Interest and dispensation requests.  None declared

  4. 42.22 Co-Options.   None.

  5. 43.22 Minutes of the last meeting.  Having reviewed the minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council held on 14 Jul 2022 Cllrs RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record which the Chairman then signed. Action:  Clerk

    45.22.   Matter arising.  None.

  6. 46.22 Police Report and Policing Issues. Having considered the latest Police Newsletter for July 22 Cllrs noted that there been reports of 2 non injury RTCs and an unlawful road closure.

  7. 47.22 Wilts Councillor Report.  Cllr C Williams reported the following: August had been a quiet month for both Wilts Council and himself.  He was to note that volunteers are coming forward to join the council. 

    The Chairman thanked Wilts Cllr Williams for his report.

  8. Adjournment for public comments/questions7.20pm

    2 Members of the public introduced themselves as potential co-optees and the Clerk told them what they had to do if they wished to be co-opted onto the Council.  One then spoke in support of planning application PL/2022/05622 and the other referenced their input to the resident’s survey regarding the environment and biodiversity of the area to which Cllr T Earle replied that he had already noted this and that had informed the Grass Cutting Contract 2023- 2026 Working Group’s thinking and that it will form part of his report at item 55.22.

    The meeting reconvened at 7.25pm

  9. 48.22 Finance Report.

    The Clerk presented the Income and Expenditure report for March along with Bank Reconciliations. produced from the accounts package and the latest bank statements. Cllrs noted the report and reconciliations. 

    1998 P Gill (Print Paper 25 Jul 22) £7.00 (VAT £ 1.30)

    1999 Idverde (Gds Maint & Bins 22 Feb 22) £559.68 (VAT £93.28

    2000 RBS Ltd (Accts Software & Sp 1 Aug 22) £154.80 (VAT £25.80

    2001 PKF Littlejohn LLP Audit Fees 29 Jul 22) £240.00 (VAT £40.00

    2002 T Earle (Domain & Email Transfer 25 Jul) £81.35 (EU VAT £13.58)

    2003 Idverde (Gds Maint & Bins 15 Aug 22) £839.67 (VAT £139.94)

    2004 The Courier (To Replace Cheque 1959 - 19 Aug 22) £12.50

    2005 EDF (Rec Gd Electric 8 Aug 22) £11.03 (VAT £0.53)

    2006 P Gill (Clerk’s Sal & Exps 19 Aug 22) £430.63

    2007 HMRC (Clerk’s PAYE 19 Aug 22) £95.60

    2008 RTR (Jubilee Event Entertainment 21 Aug 22) £150.00

    2009 Idverde (Gds Maint & Bins 22 Aug 22) £570.87 (VAT £95.14)

    2010 JRC Cleaning Svcs Ltd (Bus Shelters 17 Aug 22) £32.20 (VAT £ 5.73)

    Having considered the bills and cheques presented above Cllrs RESOLVED to authorise them for payment. Action:  Clerk

    Conclusion of FY 21/22 Audit.  Cllrs noted the conclusion of the FY Audit by the External Auditor and that they had stated that there was no cause for concern. 

    Bank Signatories.  Having considered removing P Heatley & K Cockerton as bank signatories and to replace them with Cllr S Lyons Cllrs RESOLVED to remove P Heatley & K Cockerton as bank signatories and to replace them with Cllr S Lyons.  Action: Clerk

    Grant Requests.  None Received.

  10. 49.22 Planning Report:  

    PL/2022/05454.  Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area at 7 West Farm Close, SN8 3DU.  Felling and removal of a single sycamore tree on the slope of a disused railway embankment behind and within the grounds of the property. The tree is close to and on the edge of an embankment above and leaning towards the house. If it fell, it would fall on the house. See plan and photos. 

    PL/2022/05350.  Full planning permission.  Demolition of garages and erection of two dwellings and associated works and creation of a parking space (Resubmission of 18/08304/FUL)

    Garages and land adjacent 22 Saxon Rise, SN8 3HQ.

    PL/2022/05904. Full planning permission.  Demolition of the existing building and erection of a new building part for use as storage and distribution and part for use as training centre and associated works. (Resubmission following PL/2022/00671) at Westhill Farm, Chicks Lane, SN8 3FQ.

    PL/2022/05622. Full Planning permission.  Internal alterations to first floor layout of the existing dwelling to create ensuite bathroom in master bedroom at Cobblers Cottage, 79 Sunton, SN8 3DZ.

    PL/2022/05622.  Full planning permission. Change of use of paddock into residential garden, erection of a new workshop, summerhouse and proposed internal alterations to first floor layout of the existing dwelling at Cobblers Cottage, 79 Sunton, SN8 3DZ.

    PL/2022/06318.   Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area

    The tree is a Walnut tree, which has suffered at least eight broken branches due to the weight of nuts at the head of each branch. The works required are to remove the dangerous branches and prune the remainder of the tree to preserve the tree in a stable safe and healthy manner at 103 The Shepherds House Sunton, SN8 3DZ.

    PL/2022/06792. Full planning permission.  Construction of an agricultural building.

    Land at Rectory Lane, Collingbourne Ducis, Marlborough, SN8 3FN. Having considered thee application Cllrs RESOLVED not to raise any comments.

    Action:  Cllr Gomes

  11. 50.22 Property Report.

    Communal Play Areas.  Cllr Knowlson reported that Annual RoSPA inspection is due this month and that the repairs (under warranty) to the Fitness Equipment are scheduled for early October. Action:  Cllr Knowlson

    Defibrillator.  Cllr Knowlson reported Unfortunately I received news from SSE Resilient Communities Scheme that we were unsuccessful this time on securing funding towards a new village defibrillator.  The main reason for this was that SSE were focusing support to projects which delivered immediate direct support in times of storm and or power related emergencies.  We will need to look at new options to secure funding / part funding.  Moreover, there may be a requirement to upgrade the software in the existing Defibrillators which he will investigate and act as required Action: Cllr Knowlson

    General Maintenance.  Cllr Lyons reported that the Parish Steward visits Collingbourne Ducis on a monthly basis and so far, has attended on 9th June, 7th July and 4th of August and 5th September.

    He is conducting general maintenance around the village, cleaning road signs, cutting back hedges etc. He sends me before and after photos of work conducted which he has sent to Cllrs. 

    Following discussion, it was agreed that Cllr Lyons was to produce a small article regarding the tasks the Parish Steward can do around the village and how residents can pass possible tasks to Cllr Lyons for the attention of the Parish Steward.  Moreover, Cllr Lyons agree to request a visit from the Wilts Council, “Sparkle Team” before the end of Autumn and he also agreed to organise a litter pick for Sunday 30 October. Cllr Lyons was asked to inspect the damage to fence on the small bridge opposite the Tipple Inn and to have it repaired. Action:  Cllr Lyons

    Grass Cutting.   Cllrs expressed concern about the number of cuts that a taken place this year under the existing contract and directed Cllr Dennis to raise these concerns to Idverde Ltd.   Action:  Cllr Dennis

    Grass Cutting Contract 2023-2026.  Having considered a previously circulated report and recommendations from the Grounds Maintenance Working Group which included an innovative approach to grass cutting in the village that focuses on ensuring grass cutting activity is done in a sustainable way that supports the local environment and biodiversity of the area. Cllrs RESOLVED to accept the report and its recommendations and that the Working Group was to prepare a tender schedule by NLT Friday 16 September in order that the Clerk can send it out to tender by NLT Monday 19 September for tenders to be subsequently received by Monday 17 October for consideration by the Working Group by NLT Monday 24 October prior to the Working Group making recommendations to the PC Meeting on Thursday 3 November.      Action: Grounds Maintenance Working Group & Clerk

  12. 51.22 Speed Watch. Although no longer a Cllr Mr P Hartley reported by email that: Speedwatch Activity along the A338 continues, although due to the Summer Break activity has reduced due to available numbers of trained personnel. In positive news, Wiltshire Police have sourced an additional set of Speedwatch Equipment (a set they originally held back as one of their spares). As a result, we are no longer equipment sharing with Collingbourne Kingston and now have greater flexibility in when we choose to deploy. We are aiming to capitalise on this development by attempting to grow the team from the 10 trained personnel it currently has, but also, where possible, deploy with the equipment at similar times that the Kingston Team is out, hopefully amplifying the effect we have. Cllrs Thanked Mr Hartley for his report and continued leadership of the Speedwatch Group and agreed that Cllr Knowlson was to be the Council’s lead Cllr for Speedwatch and that the Clerk would hold the set of spare keys. Action: Cllr Knowlson

  13. 2.22 Digital, Comms, It and Engagement.  

    Website Performance.  Having considered a previously circulated update for the period of 14 July to date which showed that performance continues to be good, with people visiting the site to see news and events. However, there is a concern for the lack of email usage by Cllrs is noted as a point; people are trying to contact us and are either getting bounce backs (which Cllr T Earle can investigate) or not responded to because emails are not used/checked.  Cllrs noted the report.

    Resident Survey.  Cllr K Earle went through her previously circulated update explaining that it shared data on our respondents, all feedback received, and initial suggestions based on the ideas shared and she also explained what is being asked.  Moreover, in her circulated update she had requested Cllrs come to this meeting prepared to take ownership of an area.   Having considered the update and Cllr K Earle’s explanation Cllrs RESOLVED that a working group was to be formed ( Cllr K Earle, Cllr J wood and Cllr D Dennis) to review the results of the survey in order to identify which areas can be taken forward and which Cllrs might be best placed to take ownership of specific areas in order that suitable ideas can be turned into projects that can then be costed and scheduled for implementation.  That the Working Group provide a report on the way ahead with recommendations at the November council Meeting.              Action: Cllr K Earle & Working Group

  14. 53.22 Highways & Row.  

    Local Highway Footway Improvement Groups (LHFIGs)

    A338 / A346 Junction Alterations.  Cllrs Knowlson & Dennis reported that they attended the LHFIGs’s meeting in July to discuss the proposals that the highway engineers had designed.  They expressed some disappointment as the plans drawn up were just one of the two options, the Council’s main suggestion was doing away with the roundabout and making Ludgershall Road an actual Give Way junction coming onto the main A338 in addition to bringing out the kerb stones on the grass area by the phone box which will make it less of a fast sweeping turn from the church bends.  WCC Highways will go away again and consider this option.  Gareth Rogers from WCC Highways was not convinced this would be a good solution as it removes the need for A338 traffic to slow when turning from high street to Church Street, however we feel that with a tighter turn this would force vehicles to slow down.  

    Action:  Cllrs Knowlson & Dennis 

    Virtual Footpath in Cadley Road.   Also discussed in the LHFIGs’s meeting was the condition of the Virtual Footpath in Cadley road which in places has worn away so we will be looking to secure funding from CATG to pay for 75% on the re-whitening of the path.  Last the contribution cost the PC about £750.  After discussion Cllrs RESOLVED to contribute 25% (circa £750.00) of the cost of re-whiting the Virtual Footpath in Cadley Road. Action:  Cllrs Knowlson & Dennis


    Cllr Dennis informed Cllrs that he will walk all of the Village Footpaths before winter in order to identify any issues of concerns. Action:  Cllr Dennis

    Cllr Dennis reported that further to an email received from a villager regarding footpaths CD32 and CD41 which are blocked, or otherwise unusable he had visited both Footpaths and recommended that the best way forward was to raise the issue to Wilts Council, via its reporting App Cllrs then RESOLVED that Cllr Dennis was to raise the issue to Wilts Council, via its reporting App. Action:  Cllr Dennis Cycling & Walkways.  Having considered the completion of survey sent out by Wilts Council regarding its Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) and found little of relevance to the village Cllrs RESOLVED to take no action at this time. Item Closed.

  15. 54.22. Xmas Big Brunch Sat 11 Dec 22. Cllr Bell reported that she was now very actively engaged in moving the planning of this event forward. Cllr Bell requested active support from other Cllrs closer to the day in order to assist with preparation before the event and on the day to help tidy up after the event. Cllr Bell had noted the prices were increasing the Clerk then confirmed that the allocated budget was £1000.00 exclusive of VAT and that Cllr Gomes had previously agreed to give Cllr Bell direct support Action: Cllrs Bell and Gomes

  16. 55.22 55.22 Environment, Climate and Sustainability. Cllr T Earle reported that the Council should now introduce “wild areas” (smaller areas only mowed twice a year, following advice from Plant Life Charity). He had currently identified two smaller “wild areas;” the Mere and the immediate area surrounding the Memorial fruit trees in the Rec. The hope is this will encourage plant and wildlife, with the added benefit of deterring destruction to the fruit trees. He will undertake a village walk with the current schedule to better understand the area we have to manage, aiming to identify further areas that would benefit from creating “wild areas.” He recommended that all Parish Council controlled land should take part in “No Mow May,” which will be advertised to the village and encourage residents to take part. Moreover, the grass cutting contractor will be required to clear all grass cuttings for disposal, rather than the current method of blowing cuttings off the path and into the road. One of our members has spoken to Manor Farm about potentially recycling the grass waste in their compost. The Council should collaborate with any contractor and the environment agency to make sure that water is free to flow in the Bourne, looking to reduce the chance of flooding and also to protect the only blue space in the village. He will work with Cllr K Earle as the Member for Digital, Comms & Engagement to communicate these changes to the village and create informative campaigns around the “wild areas” and “No Mow May.” Having considered the report and Cllr T Earl’s recommendations Cllrs RESOLVED to accept the report and its recommendations in full and directed Cllr T Earle to incorporate his recommendations into the tender schedule for the 2023-2026 Grass Cutting contract. Action: Cllr T Earle

  17. 56.22. Policies Subcommittee.  Cllr K Earle explained that at the 14 July 2022 Council meeting, it was decided that a subcommittee would review all council policies. The subcommittee would be led by Cllr K Earle, Member for Digital, Comms & Engagement, and include Cllr Gomes and interim-Chair Cllr Wood.  

    Update.  The subcommittee then begun the strenuous process of reviewing the Council’s policies and have found that:

    • the council is missing a considerable number of required policies

    • the council is missing additional policies that would be considered "best practice"

    • finding accurate and suitable templates and guidance from accredited bodies is convoluted at best

    Thanks to the Clerk, the subcommittee found that there is an opportunity to go above and beyond what is simply required, creating additional policies that will help us better support our community. To get us organised and moving, we've created this plan on a page document which outlines the policy review project into two phases:

    Phase 1 - July to November: Actions to complete before November 22

    1. Review and update existing policies

    2. Create new policies to meet requirements

    • Objective: Sign-off required policies at November council meeting

    Phase 2 - October to March: Future improvements for end of FY 22/23 and working towards accreditation.

    1. Create new policies that would be considered "best practice"

    2. Working towards accreditation with the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) through their Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS)

    • Objective: Sign-off additional policies that will help us achieve a Foundation Award at minimum before end of FY and begin process towards accreditation.

    It should be noted that this work will require a considerable amount of the subcommittee’s time and effort over the coming months.  Finally, all policies are to be checked against updates from the National Association of Councils and the Information Commissioner's Office.  

    Having considered the Subcommittee’s update Cllrs firstly thanked the subcommittee for its effort to date and RESOLVED that the actions as set out in “The Plan on a Page” be endorsed.

    Action:  Policies Subcommittee

  18. 57.22 Youth Council. Having considered setting up a Youth Council Cllrs RESOLVED that the setting up a Youth Council was to be swept up as part of the Digital, Comms, It and Engagement survey work. Action:  Cllr K Earle

  19. 58.22 Complaints.  None received.

  20. 59.22. Date Of Next Meeting:  The date of the next meeting was confirmed as starting at 7.00 pm. on Thursday 3 November 2022.

    The meeting closed at 21.00.pm

After the meeting, the Council made the following statement for inclusion on the website:

Today, we are saddened to hear about the passing of Her Majesty the Queen. 

During her 70 year presence as the longest reigning British monarch in history, she became a much loved and respected figure within our nation, our local communities and worldwide. 

Queen Elizabeth II was no stranger to Collingbourne Ducis and our community, often visiting the area for our military connections and her well-known love of horses. And only a few short months ago, we were coming together as a community to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee. 

During this tough period, we hope you will join us in sharing thoughts and prayers for her family and everyone who is affected by her passing. 


Minutes of the parish council meeting - 3 November


Minutes of the parish council meeting - 14 July