Minutes of the parish council meeting - 3 November

Present: Cllr J Wood (Chairman), Cllr S Lyons (Vice Chairman), Cllr D Dennis, P Knowlson, Cllr T Earle and Cllr K Earle

In Attendance: Mr P Gill (Clerk) Cllr C Williams and 1 member of the public

  1. Apologies. Cllr S Batley & Cllr K Bell

  2. 60.22. The Chairman made no announcements.

  3. 61.22 Declarations of Interest and dispensation requests. Cllr Dennis declared a pecuniary interest in planning application PL/2022/07840.

  4. 62.22 Co-Options. Cllrs noted that Cllr Gomes had resigned and that there were no requests for co-option.

  5. 63.22 Minutes of the last meeting. Having reviewed the minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council held on 8 September 2022 Cllrs RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record which the Chairman then signed. Action: Clerk

    64.22.   Matter arising.  None.

  6. 65.22 Police Report and Policing Issues. Having considered the latest Police Newsletter for October 22 Cllrs noted that a number of speed checks had been conducted in both the Collingbournes with no speeding tickets being issued and that Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) talks had been delivered in Collingbourne School. Moreover, Cllrs noted that this would be PCSO Brewer’s last report as she was leaving the Police to join the Fire Service and that there is a new PCSO coming to Ludgershall, who is currently in training and will be out into tutorship from 7th November, with a view to being independent after Christmas.

  7. 66.22 Wilts Councillor Report. Wilts Cllr C Williams reported the following: Since the September PC meeting, I have attended several events including a very interesting day with the military attending “Army Expo 22” at Copehill Down, the County Proclamation of King Charles at County Hall made by the High Sheriff of Wiltshire, various council committees online and both Cabinet and Full Council meetings. Items at Cabinet included an update to the Council’s response to the climate emergency, the remobilisation of City Hall in Salisbury, new Highways maintenance contract and additional funding to the Parish Steward scheme. Extra funding is being provided for a two-person support team with additional equipment which will then be deployed as necessary to support the current parish steward scheme. These items were also discussed at Full Council together with a lengthy debate on a motion regarding the Cost of Living. At a more local level, Tidworth Area Board received reports from various groups, there is a new structure in place for the Engagement and Partnership Team and Graeme Morrison has taken over from Richard Rogers with the new title of Strategic Engagement and Partnership Manager for not only the Tidworth Community Area but also Amesbury and Westbury. Grants were awarded to Chute Cricket Club, Revenue funding from Health and Wellbeing to Collingbourne Ducis Parish Council towards a Defibrillator, Tedworth Equestrian Centre, and Castledown Bowls Club. As the September area board meeting took place in October, the November meeting has been cancelled and the next area board meeting will take place on Monday 23 January, 7pm at the Memorial Hall in Ludgershall.

    The Tidworth Health and Wellbeing Group met online on 25 October to discuss the cost of living and warm spaces and there is a news release stating that Wiltshire Council is coordinating information on what community facilities and services are being provided in the county to support people through the cost of living challenges.   

    Cllr Williams then answered questions and the Chairman thanked him for his report.

    Adjournment for public comments/questions: 7.20pm.

  8. A member of the public acting in their capacity of the Collingbourne School Governing Body‘s representative to the PC said that she had been speaking with Cllr T Earle regarding the school’s  “Walking Bus” initiative.  Cllrs agreed in principle to support this initiative but would need to see a proper and detailed implementation plan before providing any concrete support.  The member of the public then raised the matter of what could the PC do to help alleviate the effects of the Cost of Living on the less well off in the village.  The Chairman pointed out that the Clerk had already replied by email and drew attention to the last paragraph in the Wilts Cllr’s report above and suggested that engagement with The Tidworth Health and Wellbeing Group would be the best way forward.

    The member of the public acting in their capacity as a member of the Village Hall Trust asked which Cllr was the representative to the Village Hall Committee which the Clerk confirmed as Cllr Bell. 

    The meeting reconvened at 7.35pm

  9. 67.22 Finance Report.

    The Clerk presented the Income and Expenditure report for March along with Bank Reconciliations. produced from the accounts package and the latest bank statements. Cllrs noted the report and reconciliations. 

    2011 P Gill (Clerk’s Sal & Exps 12 Sep 22) £430.63

    2012 HMRC (Clerk’s PAYE 12 Sep 22) £95.60

    2013 Collingbourne Ducis Village Hall Trust (8 Sep 22) £12.00

    2014 EDF (Rec Gd Electric 13 Sep 22) £9.45 (VAT £0.45)

    2015 Idverde Ltd (Gds Maint & Bins 20 Sep 22) £570.87 (VAT £95.14)

    2016 P Gill (Guardian Angel Hard Drive Repair 22 Sep 22) £54.00 (VAT £9.00)

    2017 S Rose (Big Brunch Face Painting 9 Sep 22) £120.00

    2018 A Jones (Big Brunch Balloons 27 Sep 22) £140.00

    2019 Rialtas Business Solutions Ltd 3 Oct 22) £30.00) VAT £5.00

    2020 Land Marc Sp Svcs (Court Farm ROW 11 Oct 22) £13.00 

    2021 P Gill (Print Cartridges £35.79) £35.79 (VAT £5.97)

    2022 P Gill (Clerk’s Sal & Exps 12 Oct 22) £430.63

    2023 HMRC (Clerk’s PAYE 12 Oct 22) £95.60

    2025 EDF (Rec Gd Electric 12 Oct 22) £7.61 (VAT £0.36)

    2026 Guardian Angel PC Sp (80% share of new computer 3 Oct 22) £544.00 (VAT (£90.67)

    2027 Idverde Ltd (Gds Maint & Bins 20 Sep 22) £570.87 (VAT £95.14)

    Having considered the bills and cheques presented above Cllrs RESOLVED to authorise them for payment. Action:  Clerk

    Bank Signatories.  The Clerk confirmed that Cllr S Lyons was now a signatory and Cllrs RESOLVED to remove L Gomes from the list of bank signatories. Action:  Clerk

    Grant Requests.  Having considered a grant application from St Andrews Church for repairs to the Church Clock Cllrs RESOLVED in principle to make the grant in FY 23/14 on receipt of an invoice and that the Clerk was to factor this into the budget for FY23/24. Action:  Clerk

    FY 23-24.  Cllrs noted the requirement set the Budget and Precept demand for FY 23-24 at the Dec PC meeting. Action: All Cllrs

  10. 68.22 Planning Report:

    Planning Chairman.  Having considered appointing a new Planning Chairman Cllrs RESOLVED to appoint Cllr S Batley as the Planning Chairman.  Cllr Batley now needs to engage with Ex Cllr L Gomes to take over the appointment. Action:  Cllr S Batley

    Planning Applications.

    PL/2022/07012.  Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area

    Leylandii - reduce to between 12 and 15 feet. 2 runs of 30 metres each


    PL/2022/06677. Householder planning permission.  Construction of front porch and masonry steps and retrospective application for garden room. SHERWOOD HOUSE, CADLEY ROAD, SN8 3EB. 

     PL/2022/07220.  Removal/variation of conditions.  Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on 20/03688/FUL to allow for reduction of glazing to east elevation (to accord with building regulations), and creation of balcony and additional glazing to south elevation

    Jonahs, Sunton, SN8 3DY.

    PL/2022/07915.  Listed building consent (Alt/Ext).  Change of use and conversion of granary into 1 no. dwelling with associated access, parking, landscaping and private amenity space. Formation of cycle storage/bin store at Granary (68m south of Sunton House), Sunton Farm, SN8 3DY

    PL/2022/0767.  Full planning permission Change of use and conversion of granary into 1 no. dwelling with associated access, parking, landscaping and private amenity space. Formation of cycle storage/bin store at Granary (68m south of Sunton House), Sunton Farm, SN8 3DY.  Having considered these application Cllrs RESOLVED not to raise any comments. Action:  Cllr Batley

    PL/2022/07840.  Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area

    1 - Field Maple tree - 50% reduction, lift and shape 2 - Cherry tree - 50% reduction, lift and shape 3 - Ash tree - fell 4 - Cherry tree - 50% reduction, lift and shape 5 - Oak tree - 30% reduction, lift and shape 6 - Cherry tree - 50% reduction, lift and shape 7 - Ash tree - 50% reduction, lift and shape 8 - Field Maple tree - 60% reduction, lift and shape 9 - Maple tree - 40% reduction, lift and shape 10 - Maple tree - 30% reduction, lift and shape at TUDOR HOUSE, HIGH STREET, SN8 3EQ. Having earlier declared a pecuniary interest in this application Cllr Dennis left the meeting.  Having considered these application Cllrs RESOLVED not to raise any comments. Action:  Cllr Batley

    Cllr Dennis re-joined the meeting at 7.52pm

  11. 69.22 Property Report.

    Communal Play Areas.  Cllr Knowlson reported that Annual RoSPA inspection was due in September, however it has been rescheduled for November. The repairs (under warranty) to the Fitness Equipment were scheduled for early October but due to parts issues the repairs remain outstanding however, the equipment was serviced.  Having discussed the repeated vandalisation of the Teen Shelter hand having considered it to be unsafe Cllrs RESOLVED to remove the Teen Shelter.   Action:  Cllr Knowlson

    Defibrillator.  Cllr Knowlson reported that he had received the new defibrillator but that he was in discussion with the supplier regarding a cost reduction.  When the existing Defibrillators were checked to see if they needed to be sent back to the supplier for modification one had to be sent back and is now with the supplier for modification and should be back in 3 or 4 days. Action: Cllr Knowlson

    General Maintenance.  Cllr Lyons reported that he had circulated photos of the work carried out by the Parish Steward on his last visit and that he agreed with him that he should concentrate on the grips and gulley's to clear them of leaves. Hopefully we will have some targeted tasks from the residents by the next visit.   Moreover, he has requested from the Wiltshire sparkle team a road sweeper to clear the leaves from the roads, cycle paths and paths around the main roads in the village.  Idverde have been out to look at the broken fence next to the pedestrian bridge and a quote is awaited.  The litter pick was a success again. 13 bags of rubbish were collected along with a bike, cone and corrugated sheeting retrieved from the Bourne. Approx 25 people participated which is great. This does mean for the next ones (Spring & Autumn 23) we will need some additional equipment. Special mention to Dave at the Tipple for laying on bacon rolls and tea/coffee. After discussion it was a greed that the litter bins on the Knapp be reposition. Action:  Cllr Lyons

    Grass Cutting Contract 2023-2026.  Cllr T Earle briefed Cllrs on the costs and the pros and cons of the 3 quotes that had been received for the Grass Cutting Contract for 2023-2026 and that the Working Group recommend the quote from Idverde be accepted as it provided the best value for money. After a detailed discussion Cllrs RESOLVED to accept Idverde’s quote of £6749.09 + VAT with a 4% annual increment for the Grass Cutting Contract for 1 April 2023- 31 March 2026. Action:  Clerk

    Cllrs thank the working Group for its efforts in this vital area.

  12. 70.22 Speeding.

    Cadley Road.  Having considered an email from a resident regarding speeding on Cadley Road and noting that the Clerk had sent a reply that outlined what the PC has being doing about speeding and road  he safety across the village and that he had encouraged the resident to join the highly active and effective SPEEDWATCH Group operating it the village which is led by Mr Paul Hartley Cllrs RESOLVED to take no further action at this time. 

    Speed Watch. Cllr Knowlson reported that there had been little action in the last month due to the non-availability of the Speed Gun and that the lead Mr P Harley was deployed on military duties.  It was noted that the Speed gun will now be held a t Ducis House. Action:  Cllr Knowlson

    2.22 Digital, Comms, It and Engagement.  

    Website Performance.  Having considered a previously circulated update for the period of 14 July to date which showed that performance continues to be good, with people visiting the site to see news and events. However, there is a concern for the lack of email usage by Cllrs is noted as a point; people are trying to contact us and are either getting bounce backs (which Cllr T Earle can investigate) or not responded to because emails are not used/checked.  Cllrs noted the report.

    Resident Survey.  Cllr K Earle went through her previously circulated update explaining that it shared data on our respondents, all feedback received, and initial suggestions based on the ideas shared and she also explained what is being asked.  Moreover, in her circulated update she had requested Cllrs come to this meeting prepared to take ownership of an area.   Having considered the update and Cllr K Earle’s explanation Cllrs RESOLVED that a working group was to be formed ( Cllr K Earle, Cllr J wood and Cllr D Dennis) to review the results of the survey in order to identify which areas can be taken forward and which Cllrs might be best placed to take ownership of specific areas in order that suitable ideas can be turned into projects that can then be costed and scheduled for implementation.  That the Working Group provide a report on the way ahead with recommendations at the November council Meeting.              Action: Cllr K Earle & Working Group

  13. 71.22 Digital, Comms, It and Engagement.

    Update.  Cllr K Earle reported that The Chairman, Cllr Dennis met to review the long list of potential future projects. Together they reviewed the ideas from the survey, considered additional new ideas and condensed them all into an actionable list of projects for the Parish Council to complete over the next year or so which she had circulated to Cllrs prior to this meeting. 

    Proposed Projects.  Having reviewed the list of proposed projects and allocated Cllr leads to each of the projects Cllrs RESOLVED that the Cllr leads were to start taking the allocated projects forward and to be prepared to give an update on their project’s progress at the bi-monthly PC meetings. Moreover, in the meantime lead Cllrs are by Wednesday 30 November to submit to the Clerk a rough order of costs which they wish to have included in the budget for FY 23/24.

    Youth Council.  This was covered within the proposed projects item above.

    Action: Cllr K Earle, Working Group and Project Lead Cllrs.

    Cllrs thanked Cllr K Earle and the working group for their work in this area.

  14. 72.22 Highways & Row.

    Local Highway Footway Improvement Groups (LHFIGs)

    A338 / A346 Junction Alterations.  Cllrs Knowlson & Dennis reported that they are waiting for a safety audit to take place on the junction to decide what option would be best.  Options: Making into a T junction or re-design of the Roundabout & bringing forward of junction lines.  Cost of the survey will be approx £1000 with CDPC committed to contribute £250 towards the audit. WCC consultants have been commissioned to undertake audits of both options. These will be available for us in the January LHFIG meeting. Action:  Cllrs Knowlson & Dennis 

    Virtual Footpath in Cadley Road.   Cllr Knowlson reported that it was agreed at the LHFIG Meeting 24 October that the LHFIG would contribute to 3/4 of the cost to re-paint the virtual footpath. Total cost £2500 the Council has already resolved to commit £625 towards this (1/4 of the cost).  If weather permits this work will be carried out by the end of the year, if not it will roll over into January.

    Action:  Cllrs Knowlson & Dennis


    Cllr Dennis reported that all the footpaths are in good order and requested that Cllr Lyons Steve task the parish steward to do a weed killer treatment over the winter. Action:  Cllrs Dennis & Lyons

    Road Naming.  Having considered an email from a resident regarding road naming at either end of Cadley Road, Chicks Lane and High Street Cllrs RESOLVED that as the naming of either end of Cadley Road, Chicks Lane and High Street was not a priority and would incur unnecessary costs no further action was to be taken.

    Item closed.

  15. 73.22. Xmas Big Brunch Sat 11 Dec 22.  Cllr Bell reported by email that she that required active support from other Cllrs closer to the day in order to assist with preparation before the event and on the day to help tidy up after the event and had emailed Cllrs a list of the support that she needed.  After discussion is was agreed that the Chairman was to engage with Cllr Bell regarding the support required. Action:  Cllr Bell and Chairman

  16. 74.22 Environment, Climate and Sustainability. Cllr T Earle reported that the most of his effort had been directed towards the grass cutting contract and possibly helping the school with the walking bus project. Action: Cllr T Earl

  17. 75.22. Policies Subcommittee. Cllr K Earle explained that although subcommittee was still working on the policies the initial planning timelines were over ambitious however it is anticipated that its work will be finalised by the end of the FY 22/23. Action: Cllr K Earle & Policy Subcommittee

  18. 76.22 Complaints. None received.

  19. 77.22. Date Of Next Meeting: The date of the next meeting was confirmed as starting at 7.00 pm. on Monday 12 December 2022.

    The meeting closed at 21.00.pm


Minutes of the parish council meeting - 12 December


Minutes of the parish council meeting - 8 September